Company introduction
  YXA Technology is a global distributor of electronic components. We supply electronic components to our global customers from all over the world, and our components have been sold to distinguished global electronic corporations in different countries. Whether it's a prototype, obsolete, hard to find and long lead time components.   We can supply any broad related electronic component,active,passive,semiconductors and any electromechanical parts,and we are specializing in telecommunications,medical, automotive, and industrial fields.    YXA Technology has a large number of inventory with new and original components only, and owns over 5 million electronic components in stock. We provide a wide range of electronic component brands that includes 70,000 different part numbers.  These are the advantages of our products:  1.Original components with large amount of inventory 2.Outstanding quality with proper price3.Accept small quantities of orders 
Corporate culture
    Shenzhen YXA Technology Co.,Ltd is a global distributor of electronic components serving the Automotive, Industrial, Medical, and Telecommunications fields. We are committed to provide complete electronic components supply solutions for OEM, ODM and EMS, helping our customers to reduce costs and improve efficiency in R&D, manufacturing, procurement and etc.     YXA Technology has Nearly 20 years of experience in the industry,and built a team with great strength, rich experience and innovative ability. This enables us to become the prominent role in this industry, while also providing the most professional consulting service for our cosmopolitan clients.
    We have internationally certified ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification and ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification;     New and original components, with extremely strict control and inspection standards for supply and quality;     Services: Provide best selling components, provide worldwide shortage parts, manage excess inventory, and provide market price comparison.     We are committed to provide you:  1.Outstanding quality of components with proper price 2.Original parts with large amount of inventory  3.A trustworthy and reliable business partner 4.Professional and excellent service from us5.Excess inventory
Corporate culture

    Shenzhen YXA Technology Co.,Ltd is a global distributor of electronic components serving the Automotive, Industrial, Medical, and Telecommunications fields. We are committed to provide complete electronic components supply solutions for OEM, ODM and EMS, helping our customers to reduce costs and improve efficiency in R&D, manufacturing, procurement and etc. 

    YXA Technology has Nearly 20 years of experience in the industry,and built a team with great strength, rich experience and innovative ability. This enables us to become the prominent role in this industry, while also providing the most professional consulting service for our cosmopolitan clients.


    We have internationally certified ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification and ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification;


    New and original components, with extremely strict control and inspection standards for supply and quality;


    Services: Provide best selling components, provide worldwide shortage parts, manage excess inventory, and provide market price comparison.


    We are committed to provide you:


1.Outstanding quality of components with proper price

2.Original parts with large amount of inventory  

3.A trustworthy and reliable business partner

4.Professional and excellent service from us

5.Excess inventory

Company introduction
Corporate culture
2024-03-25 2
Wiring boxes are an essential component in any electrical system, providing a safe and organized way to connect and protect electrical wires. These boxes come in various shapes and sizes, each designed to meet specific needs and requirements. In this article, we will explore the key features of wiring boxes and how they contribute to the overall functionality and safety of electrical systems.1. Material and Construction: Wiring boxes are typically made of durable materials such as plastic, metal, or fiberglass. The choice of material depends on the specific application and environment in which the box will be installed. Plastic boxes are lightweight and easy to install, making them ideal for residential applications. Metal boxes, on the other hand, are more robust and provide better protection against fire and impact, making them suitable for commercial and industrial settings.2. Size and Configuration: Wiring boxes come in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different types and quantities of wires. The size of the box is determined by the number of wires that need to be connected and the space available for installation. Smaller boxes are typically used for single-circuit applications, while larger boxes are used for multiple circuits or junctions. Some boxes are designed to be surface-mounted, while others are designed for recessed installation in walls or ceilings.3. Knockouts and Cable Clamps: Wiring boxes are equipped with knockouts and cable clamps to facilitate the entry and exit of wires. Knockouts are pre-cut holes in the box that can be removed to create openings for wires to pass through. Cable clamps are used to secure and protect the wires inside the box, preventing them from being damaged or pulled out accidentally. These features help to maintain the integrity of the electrical connections and ensure the safety of the system.4. Grounding and Bonding: Proper grounding and bonding are essential for the safe operation of electrical systems. Wiring boxes are equipped with grounding screws or terminals that allow for the connection of grounding wires. This helps to prevent electrical shocks and ensures that excess current is safely directed to the ground. Bonding straps or connectors may also be included in the box to establish a secure electrical connection between metal components, such as conduit or armored cable.5. Compatibility with Devices: Wiring boxes are designed to accommodate various electrical devices, such as switches, outlets, and lighting fixtures. The boxes are equipped with mounting brackets or screws that allow these devices to be securely attached to the box. Some boxes also feature built-in cable clamps or strain relief devices to help secure the wires connected to the devices. This ensures that the devices are properly installed and function correctly within the electrical system.6. Code Compliance: Wiring boxes must meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and other relevant standards to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical system. The boxes are tested and certified by independent organizations to verify their compliance with these standards. This ensures that the boxes are manufactured to high-quality standards and provide adequate protection for the wires and devices connected to them.In conclusion, wiring boxes are an essential component of electrical systems, providing a safe and organized way to connect and protect electrical wires. These boxes come in various sizes and configurations, with features such as knockouts, cable clamps, grounding terminals, and compatibility with devices. By choosing the right wiring box for your application and ensuring that it meets code requirements, you can ensure the safety and reliability of your electrical system.
2024-03-24 3
Telescopic sleeves are a versatile and innovative product that has a wide range of applications across various industries. These sleeves are designed to extend and retract, providing flexibility and adaptability for different uses. The main application direction of telescopic sleeves includes but is not limited to the following:1. Industrial automation: Telescopic sleeves are commonly used in industrial automation systems to provide smooth and precise movement for robotic arms, conveyor belts, and other machinery. These sleeves can extend and retract to reach different positions, making them ideal for applications that require precise positioning and control.2. Automotive industry: Telescopic sleeves are used in the automotive industry for various applications, such as adjustable steering columns, seat adjustments, and suspension systems. These sleeves provide flexibility and adjustability, allowing for customized solutions in vehicle design and manufacturing.3. Aerospace industry: Telescopic sleeves are also used in the aerospace industry for applications such as retractable landing gear, adjustable wing flaps, and extendable antennas. These sleeves are lightweight and durable, making them suitable for use in aircraft and spacecraft where weight and space constraints are critical.4. Medical devices: Telescopic sleeves are used in medical devices such as endoscopes, catheters, and surgical instruments. These sleeves provide flexibility and precision for minimally invasive procedures, allowing doctors to access hard-to-reach areas within the body with ease.5. Construction and engineering: Telescopic sleeves are used in construction and engineering for applications such as adjustable scaffolding, telescopic cranes, and extendable bridges. These sleeves provide stability and support for heavy loads, making them essential for construction projects that require height and reach.6. Telecommunications: Telescopic sleeves are used in telecommunications for applications such as extendable antennas, telescopic masts, and adjustable satellite dishes. These sleeves provide flexibility and adjustability for optimal signal reception and transmission, making them essential for communication systems.7. Entertainment industry: Telescopic sleeves are used in the entertainment industry for applications such as retractable stages, extendable lighting rigs, and adjustable sets. These sleeves provide versatility and creativity for stage productions, concerts, and events, allowing for dynamic and interactive experiences for audiences.Overall, telescopic sleeves have a wide range of applications across various industries, providing flexibility, precision, and adaptability for different uses. These sleeves are essential for applications that require smooth and precise movement, adjustability, and customization. As technology continues to advance, the demand for telescopic sleeves is expected to grow, leading to further innovation and development in this versatile product.
2024-03-23 2
When it comes to martial arts, the ground belt is a significant milestone in a practitioner's journey. It signifies a high level of skill and dedication to the art, as well as a deep understanding of the techniques and principles of the discipline. In this article, we will explore the top 10 ground belt popular models in the mainstream.1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most popular ground belt martial arts in the world. It focuses on grappling and ground fighting techniques, with an emphasis on submissions and positional control. BJJ has gained widespread popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the success of fighters like Royce Gracie in the early days of the UFC.2. Judo: Judo is a Japanese martial art that focuses on throws and takedowns, as well as ground fighting techniques. It is known for its emphasis on leverage and technique over brute strength, making it an effective martial art for practitioners of all sizes and abilities.3. Sambo: Sambo is a Russian martial art that combines elements of judo, wrestling, and other grappling arts. It is known for its emphasis on both standing and ground fighting techniques, as well as its focus on practical self-defense applications.4. Wrestling: Wrestling is one of the oldest and most widely practiced martial arts in the world. It focuses on takedowns, throws, and ground control, with an emphasis on pinning an opponent's shoulders to the mat. Wrestling is a popular sport in many countries, with a long history of competition at the Olympic Games.5. Submission Wrestling: Submission wrestling is a hybrid martial art that combines elements of wrestling, judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It focuses on takedowns, submissions, and ground control, with an emphasis on practical self-defense applications.6. Catch Wrestling: Catch wrestling is a traditional form of wrestling that originated in England in the 19th century. It focuses on takedowns, submissions, and ground control, with an emphasis on joint locks and chokes. Catch wrestling has experienced a resurgence in recent years, thanks in part to the popularity of MMA.7. Luta Livre: Luta Livre is a Brazilian martial art that focuses on submissions and ground fighting techniques. It is similar to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but with a greater emphasis on leg locks and other lower body submissions. Luta Livre has a strong following in Brazil and other countries in South America.8. Shooto: Shooto is a Japanese martial art that combines elements of wrestling, judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is known for its emphasis on takedowns, submissions, and ground control, as well as its focus on realistic self-defense scenarios. Shooto has gained popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the success of fighters like Takanori Gomi and Rumina Sato.9. Combat Sambo: Combat Sambo is a Russian martial art that combines elements of judo, wrestling, and striking. It is known for its emphasis on takedowns, submissions, and ground control, as well as its focus on practical self-defense applications. Combat Sambo has a strong following in Russia and other countries in Eastern Europe.10. No-Gi Grappling: No-Gi grappling is a form of submission wrestling that is practiced without the traditional gi or uniform. It focuses on takedowns, submissions, and ground control, with an emphasis on practical self-defense applications. No-Gi grappling has gained popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the rise of submission-only grappling tournaments like ADCC.In conclusion, the ground belt is a significant milestone in a martial artist's journey, signifying a high level of skill and dedication to the art. The top 10 ground belt popular models in the mainstream include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, Submission Wrestling, Catch Wrestling, Luta Livre, Shooto, Combat Sambo, and No-Gi Grappling. Each of these martial arts has its own unique techniques and principles, making them popular choices for practitioners of all levels and abilities.

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